
Migrating data between Flotiq and MS Excel

You can migrate your data between Flotiq and MS Excel with Flotiq CLI. To migrate your data you need a Flotiq account (you can register here) and your "Read Only API Key" or "Read and write API key", depending on whether you want to import or export your data (more about API keys here).

If you wish to use our Flotiq - Excel migrator directly, you can use our flotiq-excel-migrator npm package.

Export Flotiq data to MS Excel

flotiq excel-export command will export Content Objects from the given Content Type to an MS Excel file in .xlsx format.

The command looks like this:

flotiq excel-import [ctdName] [filePath] [flotiqApiKey]

Command logs the following information:

  • FilePath
  • Total number of Content Objects for export
  • Number of Content Objects successfully exported
  • errors data


Exported CTD is saved as plain text of properties id's. No metadata is being exported.


Max string length for all values is set to 30.000 because MS Excel has trouble handling text with length > 30 000 in one cell.

Export parameters

ctdName - API name of Content Type Definition you wish to export,

filePath - the directory to which the .xlsx file is to be saved. Type in "." if you want to save the file inside the current directory,

flotiqApiKey - API key to your Flotiq account with read permission.

Export flags

--limit=[number] or --l=[number] - number of Content Objects to export counting from the top row, default: 10.000,

--hideResults or --hr - information about the export process will not appear in the console.


When successful:

    directoryPath: '[_dirname]//test.xlsx',
    errors: null,
    coTotal: 3,
    co_success: 3

Import data from MS Excel to Flotiq

flotiq excel-import command will import Content Objects from an MS Excel file to the given Content Type.

The command looks like this:

flotiq excel-import [ctdName] [filePath] [flotiqApiKey]

Command logs the following information: For every sheet in the workbook:

  • Number of Content Objects successfully imported
  • Number of errors in Content Object import
  • errors data (object)

Import Parameters

ctdName - API name of Content Type Definition you wish to import data to,

filePath - the directory to the .xlsx file you wish to import data from,

flotiqApiKey - API key to your Flotiq account with read and write permissions.

Import Flags

--limit=[number] or --l=[number] - number of Content Objects imported counting from the top row, default: 10 000,

--batchLimit or --bl - limit the number of Content Objects imported per batch call, default: 100.

--updateExisting or --ue - If content objects with a given id already exist in the Flotiq account, they will be updated.

--hideResults or --hr - information about the import process will not appear in the console.


When successful:

    Sheet1: {
        sheetImportedCoCount: 98,
        sheetErrorsCount: 2,
        sheetErrors: [ [Object] ]
    Sheet2: {
        sheetImportedCoCount: 100,
        sheetErrorsCount: 0,
        sheetErrors: []


  • valid XLSX file looks just like the one that exportXlsx saves. The first row on the sheet (header) should have the names of CTD's properties. Every following row is a separate Content Object, for example:
id name age
person-1 John 30
person-2 Alex 20
  • importXlsx allows you to import many sheets from the same workbook. However, these sheets must be dedicated to the same CTD and have this CTD's properties in the header.
  • Parameter LIMIT limits the number of Content Objects you will import from XLSX works individually for every sheet in the workbook.

Data mapping

The form in which Flotiq data is exported to / imported from xlsx varies on property type:

Flotiq field property Form in which data is exported to xlsx
Text Text
Textarea Text
Markdown Text (with markdown syntax)
Rich text Text (with HTML tags)
Email Text
Number Number (with ms excel's default decimal separator)
Radio Text
Checkbox TRUE / FALSE
Select Text
Relation API Url's in the form of text, separated with commas, for example: /api/v1/content/[ctdName]/[coName1],/api/v1/content/[ctdName]/[coName2]
Media API Url in form of text, separated with commas, for example: /api/v1/content/_media/[mediaId1],/api/v1/content/_media/[mediaId2]
Date time Date
Block JSON