Flotiq integrations

Integrate Flotiq with another applications to do more with your data

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Retamo is an online review and reputation management software designed to help businesses generate, monitor, and analyze customer ratings or feedback.


reteach is a training platform within the SME Market for managing corporate learning, onboarding, and product training.


Reteno turns idle users into habitues with timely and personalized push notifications, in-app, app inbox, email, SMS, and more.


Retention is CRM designed specifically for small businesses. It is a tool to manage customer relationships, streamline operations, and drive business growth.


Retention.com helps you discover your audience's untapped potential by turning website browsers into buyers.


Retently helps you measure customer satisfaction via NPS, CSAT, and CES surveys. Collect, analyze, and act on valuable customer feedback.


Rétine is a SaaS platform allowing you to create, diffuse and analyse state of the art polls.


Retriever facilitates laptop and monitor returns for companies with remote employees.

Retrograde by ZapierRetrograde by Zapierzapier

Retrograde is a Zapier-built app that takes the guesswork out of communication during tricky astrological times.


Rev is an audio transcription service that uses human beings to transcribe English audio or video into text.

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