Flotiq integrations

Integrate Flotiq with another applications to do more with your data

Category: All

Cascade Strategy ClassicCascade Strategy Classiczapier

Cascade is a strategy execution platform which helps organizations create, communicate and execute their strategic plans. For Cascade Strategy Classic users.

Case StatusCase Statuszapier

Case Status is a client management platform that allows firms to communicate with the clients via text, app, or web through a single platform.


Casebook is a platform for human and social services.


Case and practice management software for personal injury attorneys


CASEy helps companies create, manage and execute product development strategy. Manage strategy, ideas, work, teams, skills and delays with ease.

Cash Flow FrogCash Flow Frogzapier

Cash Flow Frog is a simple yet powerful cash flow forecasting and scenario planning tool.

Cash Flow PortalCash Flow Portalzapier

Real-estate syndication software that accelerates capital raising.


Caspio is a cloud platform for creating custom database applications fast and without coding.

Cassa in CloudCassa in Cloudzapier

Cassa in Cloud is both a cash register and management system.


Cassidy securely connects with all of your existing tools, builds AI assistants and creates AI-driven workflow automations personalized to your business.

Start working. Together.

Reach common flow which just gets things done.