Flotiq integrations

Integrate Flotiq with another applications to do more with your data

Category: Marketing Automation

Tools to market products, track interests, and turn visitors into customers.


Cloudmattr is a platform that helps businesses by helping them manage user feedback, roadmaps, knowledge bases, automated campaigns, and changelogs.

Cognism ProspectorCognism Prospectorzapier

Cognism Prospector is the number one solution for B2B salespeople looking to improve their data quality and generate better quality leads. Gain access to a global, GDPR compliant database of B2B leads drawn from any industry you can think of.


Automate the sending of your Transactional and Marketing SMS with Conexteo.


Connectif is an all-in-one Customer Data and Experience Automation Platform for eCommerce marketers.

Contact ReachContact Reachzapier

Contact Reach is a sms marketing application to manage leads.


Contently offers the platform, freelance talent, and strategic services you need to create content that builds trust and drives results.

Crescendo LabCrescendo Labzapier

An connector for Crescendo Lab's marketing platform - MAAC


CrowdPower is an automation tool that performs actions based on website user behavior.


CubApp is cloud-based loyalty software for marketing strategies.


CUFinder is an all-in-one B2B sales intelligence platform with tools to help you prospect, enrich, and drive more revenue.

Start working. Together.

Reach common flow which just gets things done.