Flotiq integrations

Integrate Flotiq with another applications to do more with your data

Category: Product Management

Tools to plan your product's lifecycle and roadmap.


Craft is a single and collaborative place for product managers to work.


Cycle connects customer feedback to product delivery workflows so you can close the feedback loop and wow your customers at each release.


End-to-end PM tool that supercharges discovery and validation


Elevate is a subscription billing solution


Etendo is a team collaboration tool to organize tasks and keep projects on track.

Feature UpvoteFeature Upvotezapier

Feature Upvote is a product management tool to collect product ideas and identify development priorities.

Feature WatchFeature Watchzapier

Feature Watch is a productivity tool to help capture and track user feedback for your SaaS application.


Featurebase is a feedback management tool that helps you prioritize user feedback and make correct product decisions.


Formbricks is an open-source survey platform to gather insights at any point in the user journey.


Freshflows is a product management suite

Start working. Together.

Reach common flow which just gets things done.