
Flotiq Starter - Gatsby Blog

3 min read

Flotiq Starter - Gatsby Blog

In this article, we will show you our new blog starter created by Flotiq. Headless CMS allows you to quickly deploy and manage your blog. With Flotiq starters you can easily design and customize any project. Enjoy Flotiq.

3 min read
Flotiq team
By Flotiq team
Flotiq Starter - Gatsby Blog

Gatsby blog starter for creating a modern blog with Flotiq headless CMS

Blog starter designed and managed by Flotiq

Blog starter designed and managed by Flotiq

Gradient blog is a modern headless CMS blog starter for businesses, freelancers or for personal uses. It was created to display the content in a clear and creative manner. It will fascinate your audience and provide them with a unique time. 
Whether it is Design, Product, Corporate, Engineering, or anything else you can imagine, it will show in a purposeful layout. 


  • Responsive design using UI kit
  • Responsive navigation
  • Rich media
  • Contact Form created with Flotiq Forms
  • Easy to deploy
  • Maximised page speed score
  • SEO friendly
  • Web fonts - built using fonts from Google Fonts
Lighthouse report

Lighthouse report

This project use: 

Quick start

1. Start the project from template using Flotiq CLI
npm i –g flotiq-cli 
flotiq start flotiq-gatsby-blog-1 https://github.com/flotiq/flotiq-gatsby-blog-1.git [flotiqApiKey]
  • flotiqApiKey - Read and write API key to your Flotiq account
  • projectName - project name or project path (if you wish to start a project in or import data from the current directory - use .)
2. You can also start the project from template using Gatsby CLI
gatsby new my-hello-world-starter https://github.com/flotiq/flotiq-gatsby-blog-1.git 
3. Configure application 
The next step is to configure our application to know from where it has to fetch the data. 
You need to create a file called .env.development inside the root of the directory, with the following structure: 
4. Start developing
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up. 
cd flotiq-gatsby-blog-1/ gatsby develop 
This step is optional and is not necessary if you used flotiq-cli to start the project. 
If you wish to import example data to your account, before running gatsby develop run: 
flotiq import . [flotiqApiKey]
It will add two example objects to your Flotiq account. 
Note: You need to put your Read and write API key as the flotiqApiKey for import to work. You don't need any content types in your account.
5. Open the source code and start editing! 
Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000
Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data.
Open the flotiq-gatsby-blog-1 directory in your code editor of choice and edit src/templates/index.js. Save your changes and the browser will update in real-time! 
6. Manage your content using Flotiq editor 
You can now easily manage your content using Flotiq editor 
Made with love & passion by Flotiq.
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