Flotiq integrations

Integrate Flotiq with another applications to do more with your data

Category: Marketing Automation

Tools to market products, track interests, and turn visitors into customers.

WishList MemberWishList Memberzapier

WishList Member is a powerful & easy to use plugin for running a membership site with WordPress. (Requires WishList Member 3.0 or higher).


Witly is your real estate marketing companion, effortlessly attracting and monetizing leads.

Workflow by GrowthHackersWorkflow by GrowthHackerszapier

GrowthHackers Workflow is a content marketing platform to streamline and manage content creation. Create. Collaborate. Publish. All in one place.

WP MapsWP Mapszapier

WP Maps is a Product and Store locator application that’s integrated with various 3rd-party tools for stores, products, and leads.


Yespo is a marketing automation service made to embody the toughest ideas of enterprise level solutions in very clear and efficient way for everyone.


Zaxaa is a platform that helps online course creators, coaches, and small businesses selling digital products to grow their sales.


Zenoti provides an all-in-one, cloud-based software solution for the spa, salon and med spa industry.


Zinrelo is a modern-day loyalty rewards platform that helps maximize repeat sales and per-customer revenue through 360-degree customer engagement.


ZipZappo allows you to send personalized emails, SMS messages, or calls to your prospects.

Zoho CampaignsZoho Campaignszapier

Zoho Campaigns lets you send email and social media campaigns to your subscribers.

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