
Deploy a NextJS to Heroku

Flotiq Team prepared a few starters. They use frameworks like gatsby and NextJS. Such starters can be hosted on many popular, often free clouds. This post will guide you through the deployment process for one of the popular free clouds, Heroku. An example will be a starter written in the NextJS framework.

Before start

To start, you need an account on Heroku and install Heroku CLI on your PC.

The Heroku CLI is a command line tool to work with the Heroku cloud. The installation process is described on the page:

After installation is required login to Heroku via CLI:

heroku login

When we log in, the CLI tool is ready to go.

Select and fork starter

Select one starter from Flotiq NetJs starter:

For example, next's steps show deployment starter nextjs blog 1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.

Fork starter on GitHub

After a fork, you need to get the starter to your PC. On GitHub, click "Code" and "Download ZIP".

Download starter

Update packages.json

Add -$PORT to command start in packages.json

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start -p $PORT",
    "lint": "next lint"

Create a Heroku app

In the project directory, run the command:

heroku create -a flotiq-blog-1


flotiq-blog-1 - is application name, when command return error about app name is already taken the name should be changed.

To show list of application, run:

heroku apps

Set remote for your blog:

heroku git:remote -a flotiq-blog-1

Set environment variables

 heroku config:set FLOTIQ_API_URL=
 heroku config:set FLOTIQ_API_KEY=_FLOTIQ_API_KEY_


_FLOTIQ_API_KEY_ - Flotiq api key from:

_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID_ - Google Analytics id

In the case of the Gatsby framework, the environment variable names will be different:

Push your code to Heroku

Now commit your code changes (packages.json) and push it to Heroku:

git commit -a -m "Heroku deploy"
git push heroku main


main is the name of the branch. For other repositories, this name maybe is different.

After a few minutes, Heroku return URL address for your page:

Done deploy