
Media Library

The Media Library has 2 sections:

  • Uploaded files - shows files currently uploaded by the user, as well as those downloaded from Unsplash
  • Stock photos - allows to browse through and download images from Unsplash.

Uploaded files 1

This section of the Media Library gives you access to all of your files that you're storing in Flotiq. You can upload, search, sort, and remove files from the library in this screen.

Flotiq Media Library

Stock photos

This section gives you access to the Unsplash library of images. All Unsplash images are available to use for free and Flotiq takes care of the necessary attributions. In order to use images from Unsplash - you need to download them to your library first. This is a very simple operation - once you select an image you like, simply click the download icon on that image and it will momentarily appear in you Uploaded files.

Downloading from Unsplash


Variants allow you to create transformed versions of images. A variant consists of a name and a number of modifications offered by Flotiq.

In order to create a variant through dashboard, simply press the edit button on any of your images in media library, and select Add new variant option.

Editing media

A window will pop up with a WYSIWYG editor, that will allow you to easily modify the image according to your needs.

Editing media

After you are done with modifying the image, press Save changes button and a variant with this set of transformations will be added to your media data.


After adding variants, remember that you also have to save the media edit for saving variants in the media object data.


Flotiq variants currently do not support creating transformations for animated GIF files.

API Endpoints

Media library is accessible via /api/v1/media/ endpoints. Visit your API docs to learn more.

  1. Number of available Content Objects and available disk space depends on the chosen subscription plan. Check pricing and limits on the Flotiq Pricing page