
Custom Links

This plugin will display a button with a link in the edit content object. The link will be supplemented with data from the currently edited object. Thanks to this link, you will be able to get easy access to the preview of where the content is used.

Open up your profile menu and select Plugins.

Flotiq plugins

On the next screen, click on the Add to your plugins button next to Custom Links.

Adding Custom Links plugin to Flotiq

Next - fill in the details and click Save changes to finish your plugin setup.

Setting up Custom Links in Flotiq

  • URL Template - It's a place to enter the link template, e.g. https://my-blog/post/{slug}, where slug is the name of the content field of the type selected below. Instead of {slug}, you can use any field of a given content type, it is also possible to use nesting, e.g. {internal.createdAt}. However, the use of list type fields is not supported.

  • Displayed Name Template - Any name that will be displayed on the link button.

  • Content Type Definition - Select the content type to display the button only for the specified content type. If the content type is not selected, the button will be shown when editing each content object.

You're done. Now you will see Link to current post in Content Objects forms, the button https://my-blog/post/first-post.

Custom links button in Flotiq editor


One of the most common use cases for using this plugin is to add a direct link to a preview/staging environment directly from the editor. Here's how you could set that up:

Custom links plugin configuration for linking to a preview environment

Here's a bit more complex example, where the page routing requires to provide a URL with the name of a category and a slug of the current page:

Custom links plugin with a more complex routing

if you use this configuration with an object similar to this

Content object with category and slug

you will see a preview link that will lead you to