An event that is rendering addintional element at start in the content object form. It also renders at webhook form page.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to add additional field to content object form.
Event class: FormAddElementEvent
Name | Type | Description |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
formik |
FormikContextType |
An instance of Formik |
onMediaUpload |
function |
Function to upload media files (mostly for media relations) |
initialData |
object |
Initial data of the content object. This will be either a new object or the object being edited. |
formUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key for form. Use it to distinguish different forms rendered at the same time. For example when user compares different versions of the object in the UI. |
userPlugins |
object |
User plugins data with settings |
An event that is fired sidebar is rendered Returning anything will embed that result in the sidebar in addition to the original sidebar. It also renders at webhook form page.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to replace the default renderer.
Event class: FormAddSidebarPanelEvent
Name | Type | Description |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
contentObject |
object |
Data of the content object. This will be either a new object or the object being edited. |
formUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key for form. Use it to distinguish different forms rendered at the same time. For example when user compares different versions of the object in the UI. |
disabled |
boolean |
If form is disabled |
duplicate |
boolean |
If an object is being duplicated |
create |
boolean |
If an object is being created |
userPlugins |
object |
User plugins data with settings |
formik |
FormikState |
Limited data from formik |
An event that is fired when an object form is submitted (after the API call is triggered). It will be skipped if client side validation fails. No result is expected.
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: FormAfterSubmitEvent
Name | Type | Description |
success |
boolean |
If the form submission was successful |
contentObject |
object |
New content object data returned from API. If the form submission fails, the data will return the values with which the submission was triggered. |
errors |
object |
Errors returned after submitting the form. |
An event that is fired when a field is rendered in the object form. No result is expected, but event may modify the config object that is then passed to the field. This event is fired for every field in the form except hidden ones.
If additionalElements are added to the configuration, additional elements will be rendered in the field component
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: FormConfigFieldEvent
inherits from FormRenderFieldEvent
Name | Type | Description |
config |
object |
Field configuration |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Field name |
value |
* |
Field value |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
initialData |
object |
Initial data of the content object. This will be either a new object or the object being edited. |
formUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key for form. Use it to distinguish different forms rendered at the same time. For example when user compares different versions of the object in the UI. |
properties |
object |
Field properties |
schema |
object |
Field schema |
required |
boolean |
If field is required |
disabled |
boolean |
If field is disabled |
readonly |
boolean |
If field is read-only (non interactive but without disabled styles) |
isEditing |
boolean |
If content object is editing |
formik |
FormikContextType |
An instance of Formik |
error |
string |
Field error returned by validation |
onMediaUpload |
function |
Function to upload media files (mostly for media relations) |
userPlugins |
object |
User plugins data with settings |
class FormikState
Limited information from formik context. For more information, please visit:
Name | Type | Description |
dirty |
boolean |
values |
object |
errors |
object |
touched |
object |
status |
object |
isValid |
boolean |
submitForm |
func |
validateForm |
func |
resetForm |
func |
setFieldValue |
func |
setFieldTouched |
func |
An event that is fired when a field is rendered in the object form. Returning anything will embed that result in the form for the field instead of the original control. This event is fired for every field in the form except hidden ones.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to replace the default renderer.
Event class: FormRenderFieldEvent
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Field name |
value |
* |
Field value |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
initialData |
object |
Initial data of the content object. This will be either a new object or the object being edited. |
formUniqueKey |
string |
Unique key for form. Use it to distinguish different forms rendered at the same time. For example when user compares different versions of the object in the UI. |
properties |
object |
Field properties |
schema |
object |
Field schema |
required |
boolean |
If field is required |
disabled |
boolean |
If field is disabled |
readonly |
boolean |
If field is read-only (non interactive but without disabled styles) |
isEditing |
boolean |
If content object is editing |
formik |
FormikContextType |
An instance of Formik |
error |
string |
Field error returned by validation |
onMediaUpload |
function |
Function to upload media files (mostly for media relations) |
userPlugins |
object |
User plugins data with settings |
An event that is fired when the "plugins" panel in a sidebar is rendered for content object Returning anything will embed that result in the sidebar in addition to the original sidebar.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to replace the default renderer.
Event class: FormRenderSidebarPluginsEvent
Name | Type | Description |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
contentObject |
object |
Data of the content object. This will be either a new object or the object being edited. |
plugins |
array |
List of plugins |
disabled |
boolean |
If form is disabled |
duplicate |
boolean |
If an object is being duplicated |
create |
boolean |
If an object is being created |
An event that is fired when a grid is rendered. Returning anything will embed that result above the grid.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to place the item above the grid.
Event class: GridAddElementEvent
Name | Type | Description |
contentTypeName |
string |
Content type api name |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
contentObjects |
array |
Content Type Objects for current page |
pagination |
object |
Pagination returned from API |
handlePageChange |
func |
Function to change page |
reload |
func |
Function to update grid data |
isFetching |
boolean |
indicates whether the query is currently being fetched (including background-fetching) |
isLoading |
boolean |
indicates whether the query is in the process of fetching data for the first time |
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to place the entire grid.
Event class: GridRenderEvent
inherits from GridAddElementEvent
This class doesn't have own properties.
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Description |
contentTypeName |
string |
Content type api name |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
contentObjects |
array |
Content Type Objects for current page |
pagination |
object |
Pagination returned from API |
handlePageChange |
func |
Function to change page |
reload |
func |
Function to update grid data |
isFetching |
boolean |
indicates whether the query is currently being fetched (including background-fetching) |
isLoading |
boolean |
indicates whether the query is in the process of fetching data for the first time |
An event that is fired when a field is rendered in the grid. Returning anything will embed that result in the grid cell for the field.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to replace the default renderer.
Event class: GridRenderFieldEvent
Name | Type | Description |
accessor |
string |
Full path to the field within the object |
data |
* |
Field value |
inputType |
string |
Field input type |
contentObject |
object |
An entire object that is being rendered |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
contentTypeName |
string |
Content type api name |
An event that is fired when a filter is being rendered on a top of a column. Returning anything will embed that result in the column header for the field.
Supported results
Null if rendering should be passed to either Flotiq or other plugins. Renderable result if plugin wants to replace the default renderer.
Event class: GridRenderFilterEvent
Name | Type | Description |
accessor |
string |
Full path to the field within the object |
inputType |
string |
Field input type |
updateFilters |
function |
Function to update filters |
allFilters |
object |
All current filters |
disabled |
boolean |
If the fifilter is disabled |
contentType |
object |
Content type that includes the field |
An event that is fired on language change in the editor. No result is expected.
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: LanguageChangedEvent
Name | Type | Description |
language |
"pl" |"en" |
Current selected language |
An event that is fired when a variant modal with crop is open. No result is expected, but event may modify the config object for overiding crop presets.
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: MediaConfigCropEvent
Name | Type | Description |
config |
object |
Variants crop configuration with default presets thay is array of objects with unique key, label that will be shown in the popover menu, name that will be set when no variant name was provided and aspect ratio. |
An event that is fired when plugin is removed from an account. A plugin will not receive this event when other plugins are removed. No result is expected.
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: PluginRemovedEvent
This class doesn't have own properties.
An event that is fired when plugin settings are updated. A plugin will not receive this event when settings are updated for any other plugin. No result is expected.
This event does not have a return value.
Event class: PluginSettingsChangedEvent
Name | Type | Description |
settings |
object |
Updated settings |
An event that is fired on manage button click. Returning object will be used to render manage modal content.
A plugin will not receive this event when manage button is clicked for any other plugin.
Supported results
Event class: PluginsManageEvent
Name | Type | Description |
plugin |
object |
Plugin data |
reload |
func |
Callback for reloading plugin settings |
modalInstance |
object |
Settings modal instance with resolve method |
contentTypes |
array |
Content types data |
updateSettings |
updateSettings |
Callback to update plugin settings. |
function updateSettings
Callback to update plugin settings.
Name | Type | Description |
settings |
string |
New plugin settings |
An event that is fired on manage button click. Returning object will be used to generate manage form for plugin settings.
A plugin will not receive this event when manage button is clicked for any other plugin.
Supported results
Event class: PluginsManageFormSchemaEvent
Name | Type | Description |
plugin |
object |
Plugin data |
contentTypes |
array |
Content types data |
modalInstance |
object |
Settings modal instance with resolve method |
reload |
func |
Callback for reloading plugin settings |
class SchemaEventResponse
Expected resposne fron event that will generate form
Name | Type | Description |
schema |
object |
Schema object compatible with Flotiq API. All passed schema gets nonCtdSchema value set on true. |
options |
object |
Additional options passed to settings form |
options.onValidate |
FlotiqPlugins.Form.onValidate |
options.onSubmit |
FlotiqPlugins.Form.onSubmit |
options.disbaledBuildInValidation |
boolean |
If build in validation should be disabled. If not provided on form submission, the validation has to be handled by onValidate option. |