
Draft & Public

The Draft & Public mode is designed to manage the visibility of content objects in the system and facilitate the publishing process. When enabled, users can utilize statuses such as draft, public, modified, and archived to better organize content and control its state.

This feature is disabled by default, and all saved content objects will have their status set to public.

Available content statuses

Draft & Public provide a set of content statuses to help teams manage and organize their content. Below is a list of each status with a brief explanation:

  • Draft – The default status for all newly created content objects.
  • Public – Indicates content that is ready for production.
  • Modified – When a content object with the public status is edited, a new modified version is created, while the existing public version remains unchanged.
  • Archived – Assigned to content that has been withdrawn from the Public state.



In the Dashboard, all content types will be visible regardless of their status, unlike in the API. Read more about Draft & Public API.

Publishing content

To make an object that satisfies all requirements available to all users, it must be made public. This can be achieved by clicking the green Publish button located in the toolbar.



Now object will have the status public and will be visible, by default in the listing API.

Unpublishing content

If you wish to revert the public version to a draft to make some adjustments, you can use the Unpublish button located in the Extras menu.



Now object will be reverted from public state into the draft and will not be visible, by default in the listing API.

Archiving content

If you wish to archive the public version, withdrawing it from the public state and marking it as archived, you can use the Archive button located in the Extras menu.



Now object will have the status archive and will not be visible, by default in the listing API.